I'm defo going to try my best to avoid bread as it causes so much pain but years of training for a sandwich is easy will have to be brainwashed lol. I do eat slowly but the dumping is still there and happened with the golden nuggets, silly its afterward tho because if it was at first spoonful it would be best warning not to try more lol....I think the snow has missed you if you got rain as some have had a fair few inch today. Come rain or shine tomorrow I will be out and about as even though it's rest I hate feeling trapped.Oh my goodness hunni dont feel guilty you need to strike a balance somewhere mrs.... youve barely eaten since your op am blooming sure one day eating because you could wont gain weight.... im sure if you calculate the cals its still pretty low........ as long as you stuck to the rules re eating slow and stop when full .......no pain............no dumping then am sure everything's pretty dam good ..............am dead chuffed you managed to get some goodness in at long last...... bread will be a no go hunni...................for most of us its off the menu these days, try toast i find it goes down better............. but honestly i try steer clear of the stuffHope your quiet day was a Cupid pamper day
we went to see the lights lol silly fool forgot to put the sd card back in the camera hence no pics lol it was wet and blowy ............no snow
I certainly think you are right hun because my other half wasn't very pleased that I didn't want to have dinner with the MIL and 2 of our children not even sit at the table to watch them eat but my oldest was late and I didn't want him to eat alone. 5 hour later he turned up by then I couldn't eat I just sat with him while he ate his. All this hype over food looks so crazy now where as before it was the be all and end all. Now all I think of is pyramids and sand lol. Take careHi just pleased you have eaten something, glad you had a good Christmas. I was ok before Christmas, now I want to eat everything and can't. Maybe are brains are geared up for this time of year, eat and be merry.No good for our little tummy's. Take care xx
I'm defo going to try my best to avoid bread as it causes so much pain but years of training for a sandwich is easy will have to be brainwashed lol. I do eat slowly but the dumping is still there and happened with the golden nuggets, silly its afterward tho because if it was at first spoonful it would be best warning not to try more lol....I think the snow has missed you if you got rain as some have had a fair few inch today. Come rain or shine tomorrow I will be out and about as even though it's rest I hate feeling trapped.
Went with my dad and brother to where they scattered the mother's ashes his first christmas without her and all the way there was thinking my feelings haven't changed but when I saw the sadness on my pops face it dawned on me how selfish I have been. He was ten when his mum and dad died within 3 weeks of each other and lived alone there after in the same house where they lived until he was 21 (he worked in a pit and so got to keep the house if he paid the coal board). He had no previous girlfriends when he met and married the mother and was with her 49 years. Seeing his sorrow made me feel guilty that I have not considered his feelings at all and that's so wrong of me. No matter my pain it doesn't come anywhere near his....I gave him a small gift yesterday of aftershave and his words were " you gave me this last just before your 18th birthday" his is 4days before mine and had tears in his eyes. I didn't know it was the first gift that she bought him until he told me this I just remembered that it was his favourite and now I know why. He knows I love him to bits and blamed him for not being strong enough to put a stop to her abuse. So after all this time I now see its time for me to move forward. Big thing for me but I think it's now time.
Re charge or replace your batteries hun because moments caught in a second can last as a beautiful reminder for the rest of your days and where you live is so very very beautiful dear friend and I hope you have a million of the very best. Huge hugs xxx xxx
sat waiting to go on the ward I hear all that you say hun and thanks everyone xxxHuge hugs coming your way sweetness x x x I shall light my candle and send love n light his way. Take this as a timely reminder that life is too short to be holding back anger and grudge towards another .....esspecially those we love x x x x go and spend some special moments with him while you can, regreats can be as harmful as the resentment x x x x x Hugs Kirsy too x x x x Now re that pesky + hunni forget it and move forwards.... no amount of worrying will put it right, see it as a swift kick to get back on the straight and narrow...............am pretty sure its not a gain more like bulk after eating yesterday..... tip try weighing again on monday (or after a bm) i bet its gone againIn the meantime put it clean out of your head and concentrate on you, pops and the family
x x x x x x tons of thoughts coming your way x x x x