Sometimes unspoken words are enough and am sure your cousin knew exactly how you felt

i am a great believer that life goes on.......just in a different realm, he is out there now in a much better place, pain and stress free, and for sure is looking out for you too sweetheart..... take your time and allow yourself the time to remember him, honour him and to mark his passing with love. Be kind on yourself, grief is terribly painful, and although others around us may seem insensitive, i'm sure its just because were are in that space..... give yourself permission to be selfish if that's how it is hunni.... this is your time to grieve do it how ever you choose....... there is no right or wrong ...... i am so sorry this all comes at a really hard time for you too sweetheart, you have been thru the mill this year...its about time things started to turn around now..... I am really sorry to hear your health is slipping too, we all hoped with the weight loss things would get easier..... do what you have to do....and if that means no gym and time in your chair then do it....take time out and get some much needed rest sweets..... we never know what is around the corner eh...... lets hope its tons of sunshine and roses

I want to offer you a huge virtual hug .... close your eyes you'll feel me there by your side

get some sleep..........i promise things will seem a little bright in the morning....and i promise everyday they will be brighter still

gl at hospital this week sweetheart, don't hold that grudge to long..... treasure those you love and keep them close

Huge huge huge hugs x x x x sorry all i can offer is words

x x x x x