Active Member
Your feeling so bad Cupid. Hope this passes. Hopefully now the ops done the pain will ease and this will mean you will start on a healthier less painful journey soon ((((Huggs))))
Morning all feeling a bit better this morning as doc came out at 7.30 before surgery. He gave me a jab and 2 lots of antibiotics and told me to stay in bed. If I want fresh air the nearest I'm to get to it is the fan beside my bed lol. He's taken a blood test and a swab. Defo doing as I'm told for a change and I can have call out at anytime I need it. Quite shocked at that because normally they won't come out and have even told people to go to A&E if you're feeling that bad. Thanks all for your posts nice to know people care. Xxxx
yesterday was worry more than anything because I shouldn't be in pain and black with bruising just above the pubic bone and the docs can't understand it either but my surgeon will be available today so will ask his advice. Hubby says most likely that it's due to instrument pressure as they tried to extract it due to the size. I'm much more worried about cellulitis though as I have had it before and I know I'm probably worrying for no reason but after having a leg ulcer caused by it and the length of time that took to heal I am praying I don't get it.hows ya doing today sweetness? x x x x