Alright... weigh and measurements day! Not gonna lie... was a BIT disappointed with my loss this week, only because of how much exercise I've done, BUT it was still a loss, so not all that disappointed really.

I'm down 1 lb, so I weighed in at 199.8!! Technically under my initial goal, but not enough where I feel comfortable saying that 200s are gone for good. Fluctuation could bring them back next week, so I'm going to give it a couple more good weeks before I'm satisfied that I'm officially on the side that I want to be.

Though, I also took measurements and my exercising must have paid off more on that front 'cause from a week ago Saturday to today I've lost 8 inches overall! VERY pleased with that!
It's gonna be a LONG work week for me this week. Four 12 hour shifts, Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri. Can't say I'm looking forward to it, but it needs to be covered, so whatever. If it means my co-workers are more willing to cover me when/if I need a day off, then so be it. Just wish I had the energy to do things (meaning housework)... but I really don't. I'm starting to feel really tired ALL THE TIME. I had my bloods done last Wednesday so hopefully this Wednesday they'll have the results. I'm hoping every thing is fine, but I'd also like to know if there happens to be something off so I can hopefully get it fixed.
Hope every one else is well!