Hiya everyone,
I love the clip Ruthie and would love the whole song. Don't worry though I may let my daughter listen to it I will never pass it around. You are very talented

I am not going to worry about my friend being angry with me. I am doing what is right for me and if thats a problem for her then thats just a problem for her.
I mentioned earlier in this thread about an ex who came to see me in hospital...small dilema...he has been buying me things and yesterday said he and his brother and sister-in-law would love for me to go to Belgium (I have wanted to go there for years) with them this summer. He asked if he could get me things for Valentines day and he wants to take me out to buy some new clothes (none of mine fit now) and to dinner (that I can eat) on the 4th....the 4th is my husbands birthday though (not sure what I should do as I want to go but also don't want to send the wrong signals or rock the boat in the house right now). My husband never does anything but a card for me for Valentines day so not sure if I should go out or not that day either. Does me going out mean I am playing the ex (I do enough his company but atm I'm not interested in a relationship beyond friendship with anyone...he does know this though. I'm not the type to play head games)? Does it mean I am being just as bad as my husband?? I don't know....advice anyone?????
Also have noticed that if I have a drink or something to eat my stomach makes weird noises afterwards...not disturbing really just a bit embarrassing in a quiet room lol. Does anyone else feel nauseous when you have had enough food?? I get this but I like it as it prevents me just eating until everything is gone like before.
Anyhow blah blah blah me...sorry.
Have a beautiful day
Much Love and hugs