My first fill is booked for 7th Jan as well. It was that, or be on fluids over Xmas which I didn't fancy much!
Ooooh I dunno, living on sherry might be OK
I'm having 40g of crunchy cereal and a danio for breakfast, and that normally does me between two and three hours. I've got a fill next Wednesday, but I'd guess it will be a small one...
I definitely couldn't manage crunchy cereal at the moment.
Snap Sarah..I have my second fill on Wednesday too..I cant blummin wait Im hungry all the time now..its sheer willpower keeping me on track
Hang in there, only a few days to go!
Hi Bandergirl
You have really noticed the difference since your fill havent you
Yes, at the moment I have! I'm struggling to eat lots of things, and having to take it really slowly.
This evening I'm finding it hard to get through some honey roast salmon. I've already fed half of it to the cats (lucky them). I think I might have to give up as it's all just sitting there above my band, despite being chewed.
I've had a wrap for lunch for the past two days and I've found them very tough to eat, so I think I'll have to forget bread-related things for now.
Still, I don't really mind, it's just nice not to have that constant, ravenous hunger any more.
It would be nice if it settles a little bit, but if it stays like this I'm not sure I'd bother with another fill.
Can't believe 1ml made such a difference.
I'm hoping I'll have lost a stone and a half by Christmas, but we'll see.
I've ordered all my presents (sod going shopping) and written all my cards, yay me for organisation!
Two weeks til skiing, can't wait.