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My Journey....

Well done on the weight loss Minn x
Well done hun! Doin great! I'm so loving softs, i had another 3rd of a lasagne ready meal for dinner yums! x
I have to say
I am really enjoying the mushie stage, I actually like the portion control it gives me
I am steely determined to do this right and hope all is going well with my band etc
I cannot say that I have much restriction and know I could eat a lot more but I wont allow myself to jepordise the suscess of this project

I love that I seem to be in control..thats what was wrong with me all these years
I was either on a diet or out of control
I do have to say through I have never been a big chocolate, or cake eater and always thought my extream weight was unfair..But I bet many of you will echo this thought

Anyway appears to be another good day so far :)
Val xxxxx

That's great, I love it when you get into "The Zone", that determination is just what you need.

My main thing at the moment is trying to eat slowly!!

Even with no restriction, I'm already eating less, so what you say about portion sizes is so true.

I just find the hunger comes back very quickly now.
Congratulations on the weight-loss! Told you it would come off again :)

Completely get where you're coming from about permanently being on and off a diet before & like you I don't have a sweet tooth, so yes, always thought it was a bit unfair being so fat. Could eat 2 big bags of crisps in one sitting though! so I guess that's that mystery solved lol

The head-hunger is hard sometimes but like you i'm determined to make this work, so onward and downward!

Really glad its going well for you Val xx
I'm the same with sweet stuff - I like it, but I'm not all that bothered if I don't have it. I'm not a snacker, never been a great one for junk food, but... I know exactly where my weight has come from and it's never really struck me as unreflective of what I ate! I would have no breakfast, no lunch, maybe an apple around 3 o'clock, then on my way home I'd buy a rotisserie chicken and I'd eat the entire thing while I cooked a massive dinner, which I would also eat. There were few leftovers ever saw the inside of my fridge lol!

Glad you're having a good day Val, and I'm really glad the weight has shifted. Despite knowing absolutely that the scales will move, it is hard to stay motivated without being able to see progress!

Roll on the 12th for your fill:) x
Congratulations on the weight-loss! Told you it would come off again :)

Completely get where you're coming from about permanently being on and off a diet before & like you I don't have a sweet tooth, so yes, always thought it was a bit unfair being so fat. Could eat 2 big bags of crisps in one sitting though! so I guess that's that mystery solved lol

The head-hunger is hard sometimes but like you i'm determined to make this work, so onward and downward!

Really glad its going well for you Val xx

Awwwwwww Thank you so much xxx
I'm the same with sweet stuff - I like it, but I'm not all that bothered if I don't have it. I'm not a snacker, never been a great one for junk food, but... I know exactly where my weight has come from and it's never really struck me as unreflective of what I ate! I would have no breakfast, no lunch, maybe an apple around 3 o'clock, then on my way home I'd buy a rotisserie chicken and I'd eat the entire thing while I cooked a massive dinner, which I would also eat. There were few leftovers ever saw the inside of my fridge lol!

Glad you're having a good day Val, and I'm really glad the weight has shifted. Despite knowing absolutely that the scales will move, it is hard to stay motivated without being able to see progress!

Roll on the 12th for your fill:) x

Hi Sarah
Isnt it funny how we all have our different 'fixes'..some a sweet tooth others just don't like being hungry and fill up on whats available...
OMG I would love to eat a chicken right now..and its bedtime..lol!!!!!!:8855:
Hi Minn. Congrats on ur wł, its still less than your pre op,so don't feel bad. You have got this far,head up, keep goingxxx
Hi Minn. Congrats on ur wł, its still less than your pre op,so don't feel bad. You have got this far,head up, keep goingxxx

Thank you hun..How are you doing ? xxx
Ok so something weird I have noticed since my band surgery...
You are not allowed to laugh this is serious *wink*

Ok here we go..Every day I have sneezing fits and before my band I hardly ever sneezed

Weird, Yes I know but its such a coincidence.....
what do you all think??
I don't have a cold :)
Lol...I was expecting to see something about tenna pads then! May be ur alergic to the band? Wierd!x
Lol...I was expecting to see something about tenna pads then! May be ur alergic to the band? Wierd!x

Oh My God..I do hope not..not after all the effort so far, lol:)
Good morning
Had the best evening meal ever last night, Corned beef hash, homemade of course it was delicious, don't you agree everything tastes so much better when you value what you are eating

Anyway onto another small problem..Im sure my husband is a little feeder.
You all know I brought a special plate for me to have my meals on, well he keeps dishing up on a larger plate and its very hard without restriction to say could you please take a third of that off..
Hubby tends to do the cooking he is a far better cook than I am :)
what do you suggest I have told him how important a smaller plate is to my success :/
I would discuss it with him, explain why you're using the smaller plate and the difference it makes to portion sizes. I'm sure if he realised he would be supportive, but men tend to be visual creatures so serving food on two different plates probably just strikes him as bizarre!

Corned beef hash... I'm so going to have that when I'm on mushies after my next fill!:)
Sarah...I was just thinking you too have a 14ml band like me
and I noticed in another post you say you have had a few fill and don't see much difference:sigh:
How do they decide how much fill to put in and I need it to make a difference as at the moment I am just dieting like I have always done I feel very hungry and its only my determination that keeps me going:(

I have to say after spending all this money I did think that after a couple of fills you would have restriction or else what is the point in the surgery :/ you may as well just diet at any ol' slimming club??

Bare with me today is an off day..I have the sniffles start of a cold, and Im blummin hungry ....Grrrrrrrr:wave_cry:
I am expecting some restriction eventually. I'm currently at 6.5 ml, and that's not much! I'm due another fill in a fortnight, but to be honest I'm not counting on that having an impact. I am quietly hopeful for fill #4, depending on how much gets put in next time.
I knew going into this it would take a while before I felt anything from the band. If I'm here next year still feeling no difference I'll be less pragmatic about it, I'm sure!

I try to monitor what I eat, rather than really dieting. I follow the 20:20:20 rule and what I can eat in 20 minutes usually staves off hunger for a couple of hours if I concentrate on protein. If I have a really hungry day I'll eat more often (still following 20:20:20), I'm not going to starve myself or make myself miserable. I'll do everything I can to make sure it's physical hunger rather than head hunger though!

I hope you feel better soon Val x
You know, the few friends I have told look at me every time I see them as though they're expecting me to be a twig by now.

I tell them that this is going to take a long time, and I do believe that. The difference is that this time the weight will stay off for good.

You are doing very well Val, but it could be four or five fills or more before you reach restriction. Don't worry, it will be all worth it in the long term.

Oh, and I hope you don't get a cold! Are you getting ill in sympathy with me? ;)
awww val! hope you feel better soon with regard to your husband hes probably just on auto pilot after so many years of serving the meals up like that! just sit and have a chat with him n say ive not spent all this money to overeat x x
awww val! hope you feel better soon with regard to your husband hes probably just on auto pilot after so many years of serving the meals up like that! just sit and have a chat with him n say ive not spent all this money to overeat x x

I did have the chat and today I had my meal on my pretty plate...he learns fast, and He paid for the band for me so you would think he would want to see the reward for his investment..Mind you I have a good one
He says, he loves me, not the body I live in :)