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My Journey....

I had my best losses on an average of 1100 calories a day over the week(some days higher, some lower ... Just to confuse the body). I know we are all different, but the body needs fuel to work its best ...too little fuel and the losses can slow down ... :)
I had my best losses on an average of 1100 calories a day over the week(some days higher, some lower ... Just to confuse the body). I know we are all different, but the body needs fuel to work its best ...too little fuel and the losses can slow down ... :)

That's so good to know..see all these snippets of information help build up a positive outcome..Thank you xxx:)
Me too...I think you can gleam the information you need to inspire you..there is always something interesting to read :)
I agree that upping the calories helps to fuel the body and leads to better weight loss, sounds to me that you are doing just great Val xx

For me the move to mushies did mean some weight went back on but its just the body replacing Glycogen and soon settles back down again in my experience [which is limited to be fair lol]

Banderbird : loving your interpretation of soft cheese! actually lolled. Fairplay & nicking that :D
Today I had something new for breakfast I had Weetabix chocolate minis, not many, but they are really nice,..
However I find that when I have breakfast I get some nausea, does anyone else find when they eat fitrst thing they get a little nauseous also Im extremely tired after a good 8 hours sleep, is this just getting used to eating much less than before the Op??:confused:
I can't say I experience any nausea but then my portion guidelines are less than yours val! However by night time I do find myself extremely tired and particularly crabby!
Maybe your band is a bit tighter in the morning???
Try leaving a bit longer between bites maybe? X x
I can't say I experience any nausea but then my portion guidelines are less than yours val! However by night time I do find myself extremely tired and particularly crabby!
Maybe your band is a bit tighter in the morning???
Try leaving a bit longer between bites maybe? X x

Good advice I tried that this morning and was fine..I do find now though I am getting a little hungrier and wanting just that bit more..I now understand how everyone go's on about wanting their fills :D
I do try to stick to 3 meals a day and my snack is a mashed kiwi or sorbet I'm Ok but defiantly more hungry now :/
Im off to bed in a min..and I have to say...Im hungry :(
Maybe try having a milky drink, like an Options? That's what I did last night.

What I really wanted was a burger though lol :D

Hang in there!! x

Milky Drink...After 3 weeks liquid I need to chew, lol
Im just fancying mind hunger I suppose
Thank you for helping though xxxxx
Today is a good day I have lost the 2or3 pounds I had gained when I went onto mushies plus an extra pound so Im one happy bunny:D

Just have to wait until 12th Nov for my first fill now and then Im sure this hunger thing will settle down :)
Aww glad your feeling better again val! great news! Trying to decide what to have for lunch!

I had cottage cheese with pineapple and half the inside of a jacket potato...Lush!!!!;)
I have to say
I am really enjoying the mushie stage, I actually like the portion control it gives me
I am steely determined to do this right and hope all is going well with my band etc
I cannot say that I have much restriction and know I could eat a lot more but I wont allow myself to jepordise the suscess of this project

I love that I seem to be in control..thats what was wrong with me all these years
I was either on a diet or out of control
I do have to say through I have never been a big chocolate, or cake eater and always thought my extream weight was unfair..But I bet many of you will echo this thought

Anyway appears to be another good day so far :)
Val xxxxx