It was my mistake. I can still psychologically hold your hand. You have amazing momentum and are so encouraging; supportive and thoughtful. I may not post often but I quietly observe and I'm grateful to you. I'm a bit of a wreck today, lots going on, and I'm almost convincing myself that op won't happen. I've been yearning and swimming uphill to this ultimate life changing decision for so long that it's hard to believe now is here. I'm scared I'll slide into self-sabotage. I've already slipped on diet, it'll be my own fault if can't go ahead. More than one person, on hearing that I've lost about a stone in last two weeks, said "can't you just keep doing that?". I know I'm irritable but I want to snap back and say if it was that friggin easy, I wouldn't be in this state! Urgh, one of the reasons I don't post often is because I always sound so whingey! I really wanted to thank SharonA and to wish this week's candidates all the week. Im here, rooting for you.