Aww thanks Llora and Jenna, jeez I'm blushing!!! I do need to step it up though, it's no good having a nice ish waist if, when I turn around I have a big saggy belly. Hence the jogging and once TOM is gone, I'm going to do some swimming. I think I'll only swim once a week, to keep costs down and also, I don't want to get fatigued between runs if I can avoid it as I'd like that to be my primary future exercise, as it's free and you can do it anywhere, anytime.
Guy starts this 10week Mens Health fitness/diet programme a week tomorrow, so he is going on some practice runs this week in the mornings to just prepare his body a little. It's really hardcore what he's doing, so I'm going to use it as a 10 week, no cheat, hardcore WLS programme lol. We go on holiday in a little over 12 weeks so the timing is perfect. I'm not going to buy 1 single item of holiday clothing until this 10week thing is over, then we are going to go on a shopping trip (to Primark but still), it'll be the first time ever that all holiday clothes will be brand new

what an exciting thought!!!!
So my 10 week plan is to up the exercise, I want to do my 3 runs a week, 1 swimming session and some toning exercises in the evening while I'm watching my soaps. Back to basics with the diet, as Guy will be on mega high protein, so I'll join him on that, be fastidious with my vitamins and biotin intake (as I forget sometimes) and just generally look after myself better. Quite pumped for it actually, been slacking of late so bring it on!!! X