Hi Hun, sounds really tough & not totally constructive. So lets see if we can help you find a focal point to start from & let you hang a multitude if resources off.
1) What's your main subject you are teaching?
2) What are the main learning challenges they face is there a thread that runs through that you can use as the main thread to then spin off to meet individual needs with slight adaptations?
3) depending on their levels why not have a look at primary resources, yes I did say primary but there are loads of resources set up by teachers & ta's for every topic & from levels 1- 6 pdf's, docs & power points etc to use. Games, activities, work sheets & assessments. I use it for my year 10's 11's as long as I remove any headers & footers that mention primary they have no idea & is a good lead in or starters for topics gradually building on their understanding & confidence.
4) If you can borrow ideas & adapt them to suit your needs then don't re-invent the wheel use them.
5) Whatever you do don't panic, if they want this done they need to provide guidance & support both moral & technical.
6) You've done this for years, you know it inside out etc so if you were doing off the cuff what would you do? Use that to guide you to the resources you would have loved then given the time now while you have time to prep them.
7) lesson plans do a few general broad strokes, add the finer details as you develop the general ideas, try to put enough in so if you ever need cover its easy for them to do but flexible enough that if they don't finish that days plan because something important they fly with leads you off at a tangent but you can pull back round to topic next lesson using what you learnt as well. These kids as you know can't be hemmed in by rigid planning. That would guarantee failure & a lot of stress on all parts.
8) most importantly remember you are great at your job no matter what today said, yes we can all learn & improve on something but don't let them destroy your self confidence & worth.
9) finally give me a shout if I can do anything to help you at all my mobile no is 07967 131188 personal email is
[email protected] if I can help ask & I'll do my best.
Good luck Hun believe in yourself your brilliant at what you do.
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