Weighed in this morning .. Boots have put the machine up to 70p ! Oh well at least I know I get the correct weight when I go and I get the little ticket which I love !
The last few weeks have seen my weight go up and down like a dogs bum ..in and out of the 5st loss .. Don't know why , maybe the weather , maybe I am eating a little to much without realising , but as I keep my food diary I don't think it's that ..
I know my shape has changed dramatically over the last month or so .. My waist has nipped in , my legs have trimmed down by a fifth probably , my chumpy rump is deff less chumpy and the ass shelf is no longer there .. My under arms , sad to say , are extremely baggy and wobbling like a turkeys neck ! But I'm cool and ok with that ..
So according to Boots this morning I am down by about 2.5lbs ..
This has taken me just below the 5st and I hope it stays down there !
Again I am sitting in my favourite coffee house with my Peruvian latte and my banana porridge with cinnamon and maple syrup .. Got my favourite seat in the window so I can watch the world go by and think ..
So many different body shapes out there .. Not one is the same as the next . Even obese people are all different shapes .. Who says what is a perfect shape ? Who decided what is the norm .. All I know is there are a whole lot more large/obese people around me than there ever were ! Even a teenager that I can see, has more than just puppy fat sitting round his middle ..
Is it the additives they put in our foods that cause this , I've often wondered .. If we look back to when our parents were young , yes there were fat people but they were usually the bakers wife or people who had money .. Is food so cheap now that we can eat and eat without worrying about waste ? We can walk into tescos now and have everything we need , all under one roof .. No stress , no hunting around for it , no thought goes into it .. It's all just there , beautifully lit and packaged and mostly on offer , which makes us buy more than we need ? Only to be thrown out at the end of the week because it's either out of date or we just don't fancy eating it ! I'm guilty of that type of shopping .. I get fooled into buying 3 of something without realising that I am , in fact only saving 60p by getting the 3 items but end up throwing most of it out .. What a numpty !
Why is 'junk' food a hell of a lot cheaper than healthy meat , veg and fruit ? How come fruits and salad ingredients are so expensive ! How can a pack of chocolate be cheaper than a pack of apples ? Is this why we tend to steer away from the fruit and veg aisle because it's so expensive ?
How can a McDonald's meal ( I hate McDonald's ) be cheaper than a meal at home ?
One of my questions is why have they stopped cookery classes in schools ? How does the new generation learn to cook .. It's a dying art in my opinion ..
At this time I have lost all interest in food and cooking to be honest , plus my oven door is broken , it needs new hinges and neither of us can figure out how the hell they come off ! So the door is wired shut but it is useable ..
But I do love to cook , I am a very irregular cook and open the cupboard door and throw things in .. So even a basic shepherds pie can taste different every time lol !
I had my girls and their partners round for Sunday lunch a couple of weeks ago and that the first time I've cooked a full blown meal for months I think and it was so lovely to be able to cook and serve a meal in the garden ..
Chicken puff pastry pie , green beans with buttered mash , served with chicken creme fraiche gravy
Followed by ... Wait for it .... Butterscotch sticky toffee pudding ( omg ! ) served with homemade custard .. This dessert is seriously good .. But I only had a babies portion and sent the left overs away with the girls ..
Anyway .. Enough of my rambling , I think this wonderful coffee makes my thoughts bounce around all over the place !
Time to go see mum and get her , her portion of fish and chips