Hi Rache ! That's great news about your dog

I just hope that she has a peaceful painfree day or two x
Good luck with the house hunting too, I am crossing everything you find something good !
Me so far today...pretty much same as yesterday
Crappy morning with eldest still ill and youngest having a ghastly humilliating meltdown in the car to school...shouting he hated the driver, kicking the back of the car seat and various other cringe inducing outbursts ...ugh little sod..it's his birthday tomorrow and I am hoping he'll calm down next week as it's always like this with an event coming up.
Anyway, despite bawling my eyes out when I got home (I think I am coming down with the cold as well...I feel crap)
I did not eat anything I wasn't meant to yet
breakfast : Cinnamon Oatso 206
Lunch: same as yesterday, tuna light lunch 219
Tea: Weight watchers chicken hotpot , cabbage & leeks 334
Slimfast (my fake icecream !!!) 260 cocoa powder 12
total 1031