Although I have caught this rotton cold that is going round, I am trying to stay positive.
Today still on liquids - post fill: cup of tea when getting up at ungodly hour (a must have for me)
Slimfast and protein drink for breakfast. A yogurt and sugar free jelly for lunch. 2 coffees mid-and-late morning. 1.5 litres s/f juice. w/w soup for tea with a small amount of grated cheese stirred in. cup of tea in afternoon. May have a horlicks light before bed to get me off to sleep. Surprisingly I felt really full whenever I had anything today.
Jo - Good you managed to get an appointment for your fill soon. When you go if you have time, at the reception desk - ask them if you can book an appointment to see the dietician as was originally promised.
Maz - Like you I`m missing the beefcake. Think we`ll have to start a petition. I`m sure Kevin won`t mind if we oogle the lads; just think of all the lovely lady friends he has here to look at!
(even though some of us are old enough to be his mum)
Mel - your doing well with your food choices (hope I can stick to it all properly) I like the sound of zumba - but not too sure how energetic it is tho, my joints arn`t too good at times, but I really hope you enjoy it.
Tranquil - you poor love - you sound exhausted, I hope things ease up for you, as the last thing you need is any setbacks. Take care hun x
Leanne - Hope having your clips out went okay for you today! Try not to pick up the baby for as long as you can to start with. Tho I guess its difficult if your stuck there on your own when hubby is back at work. Just be careful not to strain yourself.
Caz - Pleased the meeting with your manager was`nt as bad as you feared. Sometimes we work ourselves up with worry; only to find it was less traumatic than we thought. Even so I guess your glad today is over with hun x
Sarah - Hope you enjoy the meal out this evening. x Don`t suppose your cold is getting any better for you, blessed germs. You think with all this worlds technology someone would invent a cure for the common cold :sigh:
Em - Pleased that you have come to join us on the bandits thread! You sound like your doing well so far. Half the problem is when our appetite starts returning and we forget to slow down when we eat, and the old habits creep back. Well done so far hun x
Neen - Well done on conquering your fear of the treadmill

Now you`ve located it, there will be no stopping you x
Hope you have all had a good day!
Love Kat x