morning ladies
hope everyones doing well. Im being really rubbish at the moment, no effort put it AT ALL and im really struggling getting back in the right frame of mind. I have still (even though i dont deserve to) lost weight. i think thats down to my portion sizes really being dramatically reduced. ive been eating the wrong things though, only been to the gym once in 2 weeks,and been eating chocolate & pringles....not in huge amounts, but still been eating them.
Im off to the gym this morning anyway, im gonna drop alex off at nursery then head up there. I know if i force myself to go to the gym (which is stupid because when im there, i really enjoy myself) that the rest will come with it diet wise. my other half thinks im being too hard on myself, because ive worked loads of the past 2 weeks & not had much time for anything else. i know ive got to be strict with myself though because this is the downwards spiral ive been in, in every other diet ive ever done.
i get to the 3/4 stone mark & then i stop trying, slowly gain the weight again. i see all the signs so quickly because ive had them loads of time before.
Anyway, Im going to stop talking about myself so much now. Im always complaining about something
Just one last one though! haha
You know what I miss, SALAD. Ive always loved a good salad, and I just can not stomach one any make me vomit..usually lettuce. even if i put a low fat dressing on, one tiny well chewed mouthful gets stuck & makes me sick. My providers said its a common thing with lettuce/salad..does anyone else get that here?