Shrinking For Sophie

so much could be said about that sentence lol
Hi. Just wanting some advice really. Can you tell me how much it is for the balloon and where do you get it done at. Thank you
At the moment it's not the losing of the weight hun that is the problem ... That's going great. It's more the fact that I have no desire to eat... at all! I have lost any sense of enjoyment or fun of food. Nothing is appealing to me because quite frankly the things that do appeal do not sit well with the reflux and that's just something I have to put up with for the time that I have this thing inside me. I think this has just hit home over the past few days as I to be honest could quite happily not eat if I could get away with it and only eating because I know i have to. August just seems soooo far away at the moment. Sorry to sound so glum .. I know this too will pass xx
No hun ... I'm made o stronger suff than that lol. There is no alternative for me I'm afraid as all would involve surgery and that's just not going to happen until my BMI reaches the magic BMI of 50 or less. I can't see the bypass happening any earlier than August. I knew I was in this for the long haul and I will get over this phase. It's only for another three months so there is light a the end of the tunnel for me. I just wish someone would shorten the tunnel a bit lol x
I can suggest something to shorten the tunnel but its drastic.
Lol maybe. My hospital also have a weightloss criteria - I had a month where I was only allowed 6 pints milk a sachet sugar free Jelly and an pox cube in a day. Lost nearly two stone. Then followed by the refeed - milk in the morning, salad at lunch and small dinner. Brutal but effective.