Back to normality
almost. Trauma of working in banking now over ... after 12 days x 12+ hours per day worked on the trot. And contrary to media coverage, NO, not all bankers do get paid overtime and bonuses. I am ssoooooooooo tired!
Not always 100% the best food choices over the past week or so, but all measured and tracked and honestly recorded in MFP. I am a firm believer that if we are not honest, we are kidding ourselves...and that is why I am almost anal about logging my food still, even though I have reached my target. I dont rely on restriction in my band. My head is in control. I really do think that 50 weeks down the line, I understand how much I should be eating but its very, very easy if you do not weigh/log food/drink for portion sizes to creep up and more and more poorer food/drink choices to appear and stick to our backsides. Protein and veg-led ALWAYS (even if I do have some less healthy stuff as well). c 1400 calories per day average again and maintained, so I am in a very happy place.
Bring on the week. Only two and a half weeks till my hubby is back from the States again and I have to admit I am missing him LOADS
OK, a little bit, at least. I always know when he is away. The dogs are not overfed. The house is so tidy. Loo seats are kept DOWN and there is a not a loo roll left out at each loo he has visited :sad0071: Bless him, ya gotta love him. Well no-one else has, just me.
Signing off for the week now. Miss Perfect