Hiya Melani,
I'm alright honey thanks for asking. I stopped taking the iron syrup as it made me sick everytime I took it and a few days ago I was sick all day from it...haven't felt sick since. My follow-up is this Friday so I'm going to tell them about it and see if they will give me a tablet instead of syrup.
My weight loss is currently running just under a pound a day. I've lost 18 pounds since the 29th of December.
I'm still on liquids for another 11 days so right now all I eat is soup and yogurt. I eat a small pot of yogurt for breakfast, a half a cup of soup for lunch and either another yogurt or another 1/2 cup of soup for dinner. Got to tell you I long for something NOT soup right now though I have always loved soup so it will probably always be on the list of things I eat. Still I'd love some redi-brek(instant oatmeal) or scrambled eggs. I don't find myself wanting cake and pie as I once did but meat and nuts now. I think maybe it's because thats what my body needs now (protein).
I'm feeling fabulous now. I do get tired in the afternoon but I think thats mostly because my body is still re-adjusting to the amount of food I consume (which isn't much). And since I'm still heavy it's not enough to keep my engine running all day without a rest.
I haven't found a place yet but I will soon. I know it's time for me to take care of me now and stop letting other people bring me down and make me feel like crap. I look forward to being able to come and go as I want and see who I want whenever I want with nobody nagging about where I am, accusing me of doing things or calling me constantly trying to (and succeeding) ruin my time out. I also look forward to a house without clutter.
Don't panic you will be fine. I know two weeks seems a long time but it goes by before you know it and then you start a brilliant new life. If you need any ANY support at any time I'm just a keyboard away darlin. I'll be right here I swear

Lots of love