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My Journey....

Yes I did. It's not a huge portion, so I don't think it will cause any issues.

The main thing is the consistency. I would think that once we start having fills, the portion sizes will begin to reduce.
Good morning fellow Weight losers :)

Right today I have just had my dietician telephone call, she has told me the sorts of things I should be eating for the next 2 weeks..Im so excited
Scrambled eggs
Jacket potatoes no skin
Cottage pie
Fish Pie
and yes I can eat a whole small portion if I want to, she said not to concentrate on cals at this point of the diet as restriction will come with my fills​

also she said to aim for 2 pieces of fish or meat a day with my lunch and main meal, like tuna or minced beef etc..so it opens up a whole new world..
GOODBYE liquid diet cant say I'm sorry to see you go!!!!!​

so breakfast
2 scrambled eggs with tinned tomato..lush!!!!!! and only 190 cals to plus 15 protein
Im one bloody happy bunny this morning I can tell you. I feel back in control and now its reality and normality....Best thing I ever did

Hey Channel 5 make a program on that....Ill shout it from the roof tops for you :)
The main thing is the consistency. I would think that once we start having fills, the portion sizes will begin to reduce.

Portion sizes with a band are important and not just because there is or isn't restriction. Eating too much can cause longer term issues, in terms of stretching the pouch above the band, causing issues in terms of potential slippage.

Providers work to different guidelines - my own for example advises that a meal should be 4-6 tablespoons of food, regardless of where you are post op and where restriction is. When you have less restriction, that portion size isn't easy as you obviously will feel hungry sooner, however, it is important that you do limit the portion size because in the longer term you don't want to cause issues with the band.

Welcome to mash Val :)
Yes, welcome to mash!

I can feel the happiness eminating from your post and totally relate, the liquid stage is tough! but hey, youre through it for now so happy days :)

Enjoy your newly found freedom, you will be amazed at the choice of foodstuffs you can mash, my dietician said " anything you can mash with the back of a fork" and like yours also said not to worry too much re cals.

Im just ahead of you and onto reintroducing solid foods and textures and i'm pleased to tell you few, if any probs so far, and following my first fill am feeling full after eating crunchy foods like ryvitas and salad, 4 and i'm done!

Onward and downward Minn and so pleased you are feeling so good :cool:
Yes, welcome to mash!

I can feel the happiness eminating from your post and totally relate, the liquid stage is tough! but hey, youre through it for now so happy days :)

Enjoy your newly found freedom, you will be amazed at the choice of foodstuffs you can mash, my dietician said " anything you can mash with the back of a fork" and like yours also said not to worry too much re cals.

Im just ahead of you and onto reintroducing solid foods and textures and i'm pleased to tell you few, if any probs so far, and following my first fill am feeling full after eating crunchy foods like ryvitas and salad, 4 and i'm done!

Onward and downward Minn and so pleased you are feeling so good :cool:

Thank you for support and advise...So how is you weight loss going now and are you feeling well too ?:)
Portion sizes with a band are important and not just because there is or isn't restriction. Eating too much can cause longer term issues, in terms of stretching the pouch above the band, causing issues in terms of potential slippage.

Providers work to different guidelines - my own for example advises that a meal should be 4-6 tablespoons of food, regardless of where you are post op and where restriction is. When you have less restriction, that portion size isn't easy as you obviously will feel hungry sooner, however, it is important that you do limit the portion size because in the longer term you don't want to cause issues with the band.

Welcome to mash Val :)

Sounds like good advice TK and as I consider you an expert I am always happy to see when you have posted your opinions and support
Thanx TK xxxxx

Portion sizes with a band are important and not just because there is or isn't restriction. Eating too much can cause longer term issues, in terms of stretching the pouch above the band, causing issues in terms of potential slippage.

Providers work to different guidelines - my own for example advises that a meal should be 4-6 tablespoons of food, regardless of where you are post op and where restriction is. When you have less restriction, that portion size isn't easy as you obviously will feel hungry sooner, however, it is important that you do limit the portion size because in the longer term you don't want to cause issues with the band.

Welcome to mash Val :)

As I said to Minn, it's not a large portion of food, and indeed her provider has told her that the portion size was fine.

I did not say portion size generally is not an issue, which you are suggesting.

My provider said the same as Val's, and didn't give restrictions on how many tablespoons of food you should have. I was told it is the consistency which is important.

Your provider says chewing gum is OK, mine doesn't.

Honestly TK, you seem to try and correct everything I say, but in fact Val's provider backed me up.

Val, I'm glad you're enjoying mushies!! I loved my omelettes :D
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As I said to Minn, it's not a large portion of food, and indeed her provider has told her that the portion size was fine.

I did not say portion size generally is not an issue, which you are suggesting.

My provider said the same as Val's, and didn't give restrictions on how many tablespoons of food you should have. I was told it is the consistency which is important.

Your provider says chewing gum is OK, mine doesn't.

Honestly TK, you seem to try and correct everything I say, but in fact Val's provider backed me up.

Val, I'm glad you're enjoying mushies!! I loved my omelettes :D

I wasn't suggesting that and I just want to clarify to say that I haven't done nor am I trying to correct everything you say in the slightest - it certainly wasn't intended that way at all. I was just saying (not against or correcting what you had said or indeed had anyone else said it) but to say that portion sizes especially are important.

This wasn't aimed at correcting what you had said in any way, shape or form. But simply that with a band portion sizes can be important, as they can be the bottom line of so many issues moving forward with the band - slippages, pouch stretching, not losing weight etc

It was simply putting that out there with regards to what Val was saying in relation to portion sizes and certainly not to "correct" or anything at all :)

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As I said to Minn, it's not a large portion of food, and indeed her provider has told her that the portion size was fine.

I did not say portion size generally is not an issue, which you are suggesting.

My provider said the same as Val's, and didn't give restrictions on how many tablespoons of food you should have. I was told it is the consistency which is important.

Your provider says chewing gum is OK, mine doesn't.

Honestly TK, you seem to try and correct everything I say, but in fact Val's provider backed me up.

Val, I'm glad you're enjoying mushies!! I loved my omelettes :D

Oh oh Omelette didn think of that, I have a very long list of food Im dying to try :D
Thank you my friend xxxxxx
OMG...Im so content now on Mushies...provider says might put a little weight back until the body understands what you are doing..but Hey Ho..its going to be a life journey not a sprint to a quick fix!!!;)

Tell you what though it annoys the hell out of me when people say..Oh a Gastric band, quick fix that is isn't it!!! OMG do they know what we go through to get healthier!!!:8855:
If anyone says that to me I'll be giving them the what for x

lol..Im not a violent person in the least but If anyone else says it to me I might just have to grab them around the throat and throttle them :8855:​
Thank you for support and advise...So how is you weight loss going now and are you feeling well too ?:)

Thanks for your kind comments too Val,every bit helps hey xx and going ok again now, couldnt resist weighing myself this week and was pleased and amazed to lose 5lbs! Thats the 3lb i put on last week gone, So keep heart that any you may put on will go again :)

The best bit so far post fill #1 is losing that hungry all the time feeling. Im sure it will come back before next fill but enjoying this honeymoon period and trying to make the most of it.

Enjoy your meal tonight! Im having chilli & rice [while i still can before band gets tightened lol]
Thanks for your kind comments too Val,every bit helps hey xx and going ok again now, couldnt resist weighing myself this week and was pleased and amazed to lose 5lbs! Thats the 3lb i put on last week gone, So keep heart that any you may put on will go again :)

The best bit so far post fill #1 is losing that hungry all the time feeling. Im sure it will come back before next fill but enjoying this honeymoon period and trying to make the most of it.

Enjoy your meal tonight! Im having chilli & rice [while i still can before band gets tightened lol]

Im a bit afraid to weigh myself at moment as last time I weighed a few days ago I had stayed the same, However the dietician say I may put a little weight on as I have moved from liquids to mushies so its obvious really isn't it :)
WLD, Its hard not to weigh in isnt it?!, if like me you have wanted this for a long time then dammit of course we want to see the weight come off! lol

Val,Your dietician said exactly the same as mine, so yes prob best to stay away from the scales for now...I couldnt do it tho :sigh: till i put that 3lb on then hid them away for last 10 days or so, damn things :rolleyes: