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My Journey....


Its normal to feel tired in the early days. Its a combination of the op recovery and eating less.

The trick is to make sure you have something if you do feel hungry, to keep your energy stoked up!

I love the liquid stage because I love soups, shakes etc. Other things I had were:

Fruit smoothies
Yoghurt drinks - actimal etc
Milky coffee
Options hot chocolate
Ready made slim fast

Can't think of anything else lol but I'll get back to you if I do xx

Thank you for advice and support xxx:)
Ok Off for a few days now see you all soon
Good Luck Everyone
Val xxxx
Minn, have you got a juicer? If so I can give you some ideas, if not you could think about getting one as we banders have to keep going back to liquids after every fill.

I Have a blender is that Ok
and I really would appreciate some recipes

I think its mainly as I like all of you before me am just a little tired of liquid..I would die for a salad, lol

A blender won't do I'm afraid, you can buy a juicer on line or any electrical store for £40 up. Purpose made juicers allow you to extract the juice from things like carrots and apples. One of our favourites at the moment is equal quantities of peeled raw beetroot, eating apple(no need to peel), and carrot with about an inch of fresh ginger. Delish! Ginger makes a welcome addition to most juices.
OK so Diary update
I have been away for a few days to my holiday home in Wales, had a great time and the sea air has done me a power of good;)

The good things, I have done well on the continued liquid diet (Thank God for Sorbet)
the down side I am Sick to Death of liquids in any form, sorry to whinge but I am.
I am actually bringing Mushies 1 day forward so I need to hold on just a couple more days:(

I cannot wait for Mushies:8855:

I will weigh in tomorrow and see if I have any weight loss, but I have been told sometimes when you increase the liquids to soups etc your weigh may slow down for a while

But that's Ok its not a race...as long as I don't put on that's fine by me

Hope you are all well :)
B.I.G News...... well for me at least
I have my first dietician phone call on Thursday this week and
MY BAND FILL is on the 11th November...Does it hurt :/
I'm one pound off 4 stone:) Hurrah!

My first fill didn't hurt at all. I got weighed, had a chat about how it was going and what sort of things I'd been eating. I then lay on an adjustable bed with my trousers unfastened while the nurse felt along my waist to find the port. She had me lift my legs and I honestly didn't feel the needle.
The nurse checked whether there was any liquid in the band (there wasn't), and she injected the saline, before putting on a dressing. Took seconds to actually do the fill.
I had a cup of water to make sure it could go down, then I was done.

You'll be absolutely fine:)
I'm one pound off 4 stone:) Hurrah!

My first fill didn't hurt at all. I got weighed, had a chat about how it was going and what sort of things I'd been eating. I then lay on an adjustable bed with my trousers unfastened while the nurse felt along my waist to find the port. She had me lift my legs and I honestly didn't feel the needle.
The nurse checked whether there was any liquid in the band (there wasn't), and she injected the saline, before putting on a dressing. Took seconds to actually do the fill.
I had a cup of water to make sure it could go down, then I was done.

You'll be absolutely fine:)

4 stones...OMGoodness!!!!!!!

Right Im all prepared for my fill then :)
I took my mum for moral support on the first fill - it's just the unknown, isn't it?

Think I might take the whole family Sarah :)
I'm fine thanks hun!

WELCOME BACK!! :woohoo:

Glad you had a lovely weekend away!

I was the same, got so sick of liquids, mushies are marvellous. FOOOOOOOOOOD.

You will have to give me a list of things to try :):)
Really sad today
I hoped on scales first time since last Thursday and I weigh the same :/
How is it possible when eating about 500/600 cals in a day..
Someone said your body go's into starvation mode is this possible??
Try not to let it get you down Minn xx

Same thing happened to me last week, you have to remember its early days & yes the body does go into some weird mode where it clings onto weight because it thinks you have gone into starvation

Ive had a few hairy moments as eating is my way of coping when I feel down and couldnt do that! so just keep doing what you are and it will sort itself out in the long run.

Cheer yourself up by reminding yourself how well you have done just to get this far and that it wont be long before we start seeing the results of all our hardwork :)