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My Journey....

Sorry to hear that minn! But stay positive your working really hard and it has to come off at some point! x x
Try not to let it get you down Minn xx

Same thing happened to me last week, you have to remember its early days & yes the body does go into some weird mode where it clings onto weight because it thinks you have gone into starvation

Ive had a few hairy moments as eating is my way of coping when I feel down and couldnt do that! so just keep doing what you are and it will sort itself out in the long run.

Cheer yourself up by reminding yourself how well you have done just to get this far and that it wont be long before we start seeing the results of all our hardwork :)

Thank you for your lovely comment, you have cheered me up xxx:)
Last week I had a fill and gained weight! I was on liquids, but I was lucky to get to 500 cals, and I gained a couple of pounds in a couple of days. Don't let it upset you or derail your progress, you're doing great and if you keep going then sooner or later those scales WILL shift! x
Last week I had a fill and gained weight! I was on liquids, but I was lucky to get to 500 cals, and I gained a couple of pounds in a couple of days. Don't let it upset you or derail your progress, you're doing great and if you keep going then sooner or later those scales WILL shift! x

Thank you Sarah..I will of course do my very best..Just really wanted to loose a little this week..never mind :)

My 300 post
Confession Time..
I crumbled a day early...Oh My...Im so dissappointed with myself

I was thinking of the cauliflower cheese and decided to make it ready..and YES I took a small portion:(

Oh Dear..it seemed to go down OK...
I made it very soggy and lots of milky sauce

Come on experts will this be a major problem as Ive done it now :/​
I don't think the cauli cheese will do any harm, you're almost on mushies anyway - hope it was yummy.

As for the weight, never fear! It will soon be dropping off you, you have to think of the long-term goal.

I'm not sure I've lost much at all in three weeks, but I'm just making sure I'm getting my protein etc.

We can be losers together xx
I can't see it being a huge problem Val. Have you had any discomfort or indigestion after it?

No Sarah none at all..also its the first night Im going to bed NOT hungry..last night I didn't sleep due to hunger pangs :(
I don't think the cauli cheese will do any harm, you're almost on mushies anyway - hope it was yummy.

As for the weight, never fear! It will soon be dropping off you, you have to think of the long-term goal.

I'm not sure I've lost much at all in three weeks, but I'm just making sure I'm getting my protein etc.

We can be losers together xx

Awwww Thank you sweetie..its good we have one another xxxx:)
Today Im starting on Mushies properly

I still had a sachet of milky oats so simple and enjoyed it
and Im still having soup for lunch

BUT roll on tonight
Cottage pie gravy and mashed cauliflower..OMG!!!!!!!!

how much am I allowed though :/
Lol you make me laugh val, in total I'm guessing a cup sized portion? I had my energiser bunny breakfast, actively mid morning and then beef in beer puréed for lunch x
Info from my provider is to eat slowly and follow the 20:20:20 rule - they don't give hard and fast portion sizes. If you think you're still hungry after eating for 20 minutes then leave it for 20 minutes and have another spoon or two of food. If you're satisfied before you finish the first 20 minutes then don't force yourself to continue eating.
To be honest, eating such small bites, so slowly, you're naturally restricting how much you can eat.

Hope you enjoy it!
Evening meal was so lovely..its amazing how good cauliflower cheese can taste with cottage pie a basics Sainsbury's, normally I would turn my nose up to the basic range but it is good as there is very little meat so I have to say..its the best meal I have had in the last 3 weeks..lol..its the only real meal I have had in the last 3 weeks...
May I officially welcome you to mushies!!! Wooo!

The Basics meals are pretty good aren't they? I was surprised. I've got salmon cottage pie again tonight.
May I officially welcome you to mushies!!! Wooo!

The Basics meals are pretty good aren't they? I was surprised. I've got salmon cottage pie again tonight.

Do you eat the whole serving..should we eat the whole portion as I did and really enjoyed it too...Only 200 and a bit cals though, served it with mashed cauliflower scrummy