Hi all (and hi again Von, Thinkingman and Eastbruce)
I had my surgery on the 8th March so I'm on day 17 now. I had my procedure with Prof McMahon @ Leeds Nuffield at a cost of £6800 and the Prof and the nurses were excellent throughout.
I seem to have had it a little easier than you guys cause I was back to 100% after a week. Sore throat was gone, stomach felt fine and the mild pain I had in my shoulder had completely disappeared.
I had 11 anchors put in so I must have had a relatively large stomach but I wanted as many as he could get in there so I was happy. I only had a bmi of 33.something (I weighed 13st 9 @ 5'4) so I haven't got a massive amount to lose. I have had a few nasty comments about me having surgery to deal with such a low amount of weight but I have been up and down all my life and I come from a family of obese people. I'm the 7th person to have wls in my family now but the only one to have the pose!
Well, it's going well so far because I have now lost 17lbs! I lost 12lbs in the first week, 3lbs in the second and I've already lost 2lbs since my weigh in on Tuesday. I'm now at 12st 6lbs and I feel great already.
The Prof told me that because the stomach needs to form scar tissue to shrink to the smallest capacity it can, I have been completely compliant with the diet advice. I was told 2 weeks liquid, 2 weeks mashed/pureed and then 2 weeks very soft foods. I have started eating weetabix/oatmeal, mashed potato and mashed veg now but I'm going to keep off the solids for the full 6 weeks as I've spent a lot of money and gone through an operation so I need to protect my investment and make it work! I have no doubts that I could eat different foods now without it causing me any discomfort - and as much as I would love to eat something I could chew - I don't think it's worth the risk.
I don't know what this op has done to my brain but it seems to have re-programmed it and given me this willpower that in all honesty I didn't think I was going to have enough of. I thought it was a pointless op if you have to change the way you think about food but it really does make you think differently. In my opinion anyway.
Von, they just gave me an ecg and blood tests at the pre-assessment so nothing to worry about. The nurses are so lovely at Nuffield so they'll get you through the big day. I woke up feeling rough and slightly regretful if I'm being honest but 3 days later I felt on top of the world. At least it will all be over and you won't have the anxiety of it all.
Well, I'm off to have my mashed potato now! I'm mixing it with a cheese triangle today for a bit of variety lol.
Protein shakes are a must if you can get them down you - they're fantastic. Also, I've found that carrying a jar of smooth peanut butter has helped too. You can suck it down to practically nothing and it's 25% protein and good calories. It almost feels like a bit of a treat too.
Good luck all and well done on the weight loss so far to all the post-ops