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And so it begins...Kirsty's journey to a sleeve!!

Weekly weigh in today and iv gained 2lb but im ok with that as i went from milk back to food. Iv made some good and bad food choices this week but im happy with 2lb. I want to try lose 7lb from now till xmas so thats 4 weeks. Need to get my head back into it but im sure i will b fine. Kirsty xx

Kirsty you've done very well be proud of yourself I'm sure you will get that 7lb off for xmas xx
Kirsty you've done very well be proud of yourself I'm sure you will get that 7lb off for xmas xx

Thanks kirsty. Have you started packing your hospital bag yet? Not long now at all im so pleased for you. Iv jus had a good sort through my wardrobes and iv got so many nice clothes, dresses mainly that i cant wait to get back into. Cant wait to be skinny. Less than 5 weeks till i sign consent and get put onto the list woo hoo. Hows your back xx
Thanks kirsty. Have you started packing your hospital bag yet? Not long now at all im so pleased for you. Iv jus had a good sort through my wardrobes and iv got so many nice clothes, dresses mainly that i cant wait to get back into. Cant wait to be skinny. Less than 5 weeks till i sign consent and get put onto the list woo hoo. Hows your back xx

No not yet I never realised how long it is actually lol I got a letter today to confirm my pre op appointment and my op but the op one had the details missing lol 5 weeks then on the list you will feel on top of world once your on it make sure you ring to be put down for cancellations my back is just doing its usual hurting me but not stopping me from getting around xx
This week is the week from hell. Im feeling very low, iv eaten way too many unhealthy meals and massive portions. Im disgusted in myself as im gna end up un doing all my hard work but at the same time i jus cant get motivated. I swore to myself today was day 1 agen and started off great but then had a massive tea covered in cheese and a bottle of wine. This is the old me and how i ended up so fat in the first place. I jus cant seem to snap out of it even knowing how bad it is an what damage its doing to me. I need to maintain my weight for my next appointment and the way things are going im gna pile it on. I know i have to get back on track its jus so hard now iv fallen off. I have to start a fresh tomorrow cuz the scales wont take another day of these disgusting habbits.

Home life has been difficult lately which is contributing to the low moods.

Kirsty xx
Pick yourself up- you've come so far, and one hiccup isn't going to negate that. Brush it off and try again :) I'm rooting for you
Kirsty, I had so many false starts you wouldn't believe it. I could find any excuse for it.

As Marz says, you've done so well before. You can find the inner strength to do this. Just dig a little deeper and find a way to stop the negativity from dragging you down.

Get your game face on girl..! You can do it..

Thanks guys im gna try my best. Xx
You've proved to yourself that you can do this and believe me you can.

Just remember you're beautiful, brilliant and resilient!!

Sending you strength and hugs xxxx
Kirsty darling - you're being normal! It's not ideal I know - but we work so long to get to the point of being accepted on the list and then some daft sell sabotage genie jumps on out back and makes us crazy.
I had a crazy week before my pre op. It was like I was possessed by the food monkey and the alcohol baboon! I also went into a self loathing spiral.
I won't tell you you need to stop - you know that - I will say please stop licking yourself for this hiccup. Calling yourself names for your choices will lead to despair and that can lead to over eating.
Line under and move on sweetheart.
You will have many ups and downs on the journey. You will make mistakes. You will fall off the path of perfect from time to time. The skill is now to learn how to cease and crawl back to better choices. It's not easy but reading your reports I know you can and will get back on track.
The finality of our surgery does make you go a bit loopy before the op as its a bereavement of food. Your big friendship is about to change. Food sulks as she knows her role is your world is going to REALLY change. Good luck. I have every faith in you xx
Kirsty darling - you're being normal! It's not ideal I know - but we work so long to get to the point of being accepted on the list and then some daft sell sabotage genie jumps on out back and makes us crazy.
I had a crazy week before my pre op. It was like I was possessed by the food monkey and the alcohol baboon! I also went into a self loathing spiral.
I won't tell you you need to stop - you know that - I will say please stop licking yourself for this hiccup. Calling yourself names for your choices will lead to despair and that can lead to over eating.
Line under and move on sweetheart.
You will have many ups and downs on the journey. You will make mistakes. You will fall off the path of perfect from time to time. The skill is now to learn how to cease and crawl back to better choices. It's not easy but reading your reports I know you can and will get back on track.
The finality of our surgery does make you go a bit loopy before the op as its a bereavement of food. Your big friendship is about to change. Food sulks as she knows her role is your world is going to REALLY change. Good luck. I have every faith in you xx

Thank you deb some very wise words. Im jus feeling very low lately and its difficult to get sorted. I know i need to get back on track and i know i can do this. Everyone has been so supportive i think your right i am being a little hard on myself. This really is such a rollercoaster journey and at times hard to deal with and i know there are harder times to come but i know i can do this. I just want to b post op and on my way to a better happier life but i know thats not going to happen if i dont put the work in pre op. Im going to sort myself out and hopefully get back to writing positive diary posts about all my great achievements.

Thanks to everyone who has offerd words of wisdom you all help me through these tough times.

Kirsty xx
So weigh in today 3lb gain which isnt as bad as i would expect but still not good. Iv been an bought a weeks supply of weight watchers meals from farmfoody they only £1 in their atm. Need to lose 5lb now.

Kirsty xx
So weigh in today 3lb gain which isnt as bad as i would expect but still not good. Iv been an bought a weeks supply of weight watchers meals from farmfoody they only £1 in their atm. Need to lose 5lb now. Kirsty xx

You can do it Kirsty you want this too much not to your appointment isn't too far away something to look forward to keep me updated xx
Sorry you're having a lousy time Kirsty. Just keep you eye on the end goal its almost in sight.

We all know about yoyo weight and giving into our bad impulses, its why we ar all here and have had or are having surgery after all.
Just take a deep breath and try and think back a few weeks when you had your loosing mentality. We all know you can do this.
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Thanks for the support everyone xx
Well im in a better frame of mind now diet is going a little better im hoping for a 1-2lb loss this week. Still in a lot of pain and gp running more blood tests and referrinf me to a specialist in rheumatology jus hope it dont interfere with surgery journey i dont think it will tho. Well i will update friday after my weekly weigh in.

Kirsty xx
Good luck with your weigh in, Kirsty! :) Its nice to read you're back on track. Congrats on your success at the appointment. it was a nice read after seeing how worried about it you were in your previous posts
Good luck with your weigh in, Kirsty! :) Its nice to read you're back on track. Congrats on your success at the appointment. it was a nice read after seeing how worried about it you were in your previous posts

Hey victoria thanks for your kind words. I dont think we have spoke before nice to know you been reading my diary i still find it hard to believe people actually read mine haha. What point in your journey are you? I see your also nhs what hospital are u at.

Kirsty xx
Well im in a better frame of mind now diet is going a little better im hoping for a 1-2lb loss this week. Still in a lot of pain and gp running more blood tests and referrinf me to a specialist in rheumatology jus hope it dont interfere with surgery journey i dont think it will tho. Well i will update friday after my weekly weigh in. Kirsty xx

Glad things have picked up mood wise. Always easier when we feel able to manage the demons. Pesky demons.
I hope your health worries are soon resolved. I was in significant pain and issue pre op as you know. Often on stocks or crutches. Had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and viral arthritis. Everything is so much better now so with luck, post op will bring some all round health good news.
Take care and wishing you all the best xx
Yeah im kind of new.. lol i havent reached my 50 posts yet. I try to post but most the time i spend on here its trying to catch up with everyones diaries and that takes so long when a lot of them are over 2000 posts long. They're all very insightful and inspiring though so its always a good read. Its comforting to know too that so many people have exactly the same thoughts and trials as i do.. makes you feel a bit less alone in the struggle!
Im in Birmingham and at heartlands hospital. I had my first appointment on november 3rd after being referred to them by my GP.. I have another appointment set now for april 18th to see an endocrinologist. I dont know if that will be my next appointment or if i will get another one in before then or not. Not really sure how it all works yet.. still very new for me :)
So had my weigh in today and iv lost 1lb. Its not much but im happy with it. 4 more lb to go need to have a healthy christmas.

Kirsty xx